Due to COVID-19 we are currently meeting online via Zoom; meeting ID: 7985346066

Friday Evenings 

Youth Fellowship - 7:30 to 9:00 PM

We welcome youth from 5th Grade to High School Seniors to join us for a time of learning, sharing and fellowship.

Sunday Mornings*

Sunday School - 10:00 AM to 10:50 AM

Sunday Service - 11:00 AM to 12:00 Noon

*First Sunday of every month we have a combined English/Chinese service so family can experience worship together. 

Combine service starts at 9:30AM and there will be no English Sunday School.  The Zoom meeting ID: 111 839 742 and password: 2515

Please contact Mr. George if you have any questions: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or (909)618-8838




 Session 3 - Pay attention to the details. (Investigation)


- Like it or not, the Bible must be interpreted…

- We’re taking common sense and applying it to Scripture.

- Remember our goal – to hear God by understanding the text.

- Good Bible study begins by reading the text closely with attention to detail.

- At this early investigation stage you are basically playing detective.

- What are we looking for? What are we investigating?


o Investigate what the words mean…

ƒ How do various English translations differ?

ƒ Where are the verbs and what are they doing?

ƒ Any metaphors or figurative language?


o Investigate how the words relate to one another…

ƒ Are any comparisons or contrasts being made?

ƒ How does the logic or plot move forward?

ƒ Any connectors like “if… then…” or “therefore…” or “because…”?


- Basically you do two things:

o Ask questions.

o Make observations.


 NEXT LEVEL Online: How to Read the Bible Ozark Christian College, Michael DeFazio