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Due to COVID-19 we are currently meeting online via Zoom; meeting ID: 7985346066
Friday Evenings
Youth Fellowship - 7:30 to 9:00 PM
We welcome youth from 5th Grade to High School Seniors to join us for a time of learning, sharing and fellowship.
Sunday Mornings*
Sunday School - 10:00 AM to 10:50 AM
Sunday Service - 11:00 AM to 12:00 Noon
*First Sunday of every month we have a combined English/Chinese service so family can experience worship together.
Combine service starts at 9:30AM and there will be no English Sunday School. The Zoom meeting ID: 111 839 742 and password: 2515
Please contact Mr. George if you have any questions: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or (909)618-8838
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- Hits: 1598
Session 3 - Pay attention to the details. (Investigation)
- Like it or not, the Bible must be interpreted…
- We’re taking common sense and applying it to Scripture.
- Remember our goal – to hear God by understanding the text.
- Good Bible study begins by reading the text closely with attention to detail.
- At this early investigation stage you are basically playing detective.
- What are we looking for? What are we investigating?
o Investigate what the words mean…
How do various English translations differ?
Where are the verbs and what are they doing?
Any metaphors or figurative language?
o Investigate how the words relate to one another…
Are any comparisons or contrasts being made?
How does the logic or plot move forward?
Any connectors like “if… then…” or “therefore…” or “because…”?
- Basically you do two things:
o Ask questions.
o Make observations.
NEXT LEVEL Online: How to Read the Bible Ozark Christian College, Michael DeFazio